Now Offering Social Skills Groups!
Every Sunday!
Join our Social Skills Groups, now held every Sunday, to empower your child with the essential tools they need to thrive in social settings. Our expertly designed program, tailored specifically for children with Level 1 Autism Spectrum Disorder, focuses on developing crucial interpersonal skills such as communication, turn-taking, understanding emotions, and appropriate play behaviors. Each session is crafted to foster self-confidence, improve peer interactions, and enable successful social navigation. Sign up today to give your child the gift of improved social capabilities in a supportive, structured, and fun environment!
Why Enroll in Social Skills Groups?
Unlock Your Child's Social Potential
Discover how our Social Skills Groups can transform your child’s ability to interact, communicate, and thrive in social settings. Each session is crafted to build essential life skills in a fun, supportive environment.

Featured Sessions

Effective Communication Skills
Master effective communication skills ideal for children with level 1 autism diagnosis. Participants will learn the importance of eye contact, softening communication to sound less robotic, turn taking, body language basics.
Sun Feb 9, 2025
10:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Text and Social Media Safety
Ideal for learners who have access to cell phones and social media. Participants will learn important safety skills when dealing with a world full of possible friends and questionable people they meet online.
Sun, Feb 16, 2025
10:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Tolerating Other's Preferences
Ideal for level 1 and level 2 autism diagnosis. Particpants will learn to patience and acceptance by tolerating the preferences of other’s likes and dislikes. Who knows they may actually pick up a new hobby!
Sun, Feb 23,2025
9:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Movie Nights, Game Nights, and Video Game Tournaments
A fun and relaxing time with the possibility of making new friends while watching movies, playing board games, or even a video game tournament! Come learn patiences, turn taking, as well as being a good winner and loser

Coming Soon! Non-Verbal Social Group
Ideal for those proficient with AAC devices who’d like to meet like-minded and accepting individuals.
Sun, Mar 2, 2025
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM